First vicar in one month to summons inhabitants to a vestry to elect, officers, &c.
and yearly after,
and be a body corporate as St, Andrew’s, and rate and assess the several houses, John Hansard’s excepted,
towards building a church,
if voluntary contributions not sufficient, and levy by distress and sale of goods.
III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the next and first vicar, minister or incumbent of the said parish of Saint Mark, within one month after he is instituted into the said vicarage or parish, is hereby authorized, impowered and required to call together the inhabitants of the said parish to a vestry for choosing church-wardens, synodsmen or sidesmen, and other church officers, as by law or custom are annually chosen in other parishes, and that he the said vicar, minister or incumbent, or his lycensed assistant in the cure of the said parish, and the said inhabitants who shall then meet, shall choose two sit persons for church-wardens, who when so chosen, shall be church-wardens of the said vicarage or parish of Saint Mark’s for one year after, and till next Easter after their being so chosen, and then for ever after yearly, two church-wardens, two synodsmen, alias sydesmen and overseers of the poor shall be chosen as usual in other vicarages or parishes, and that such church-wardens so chosen as aforesaid; and their successors church-wardens of the vicarage or parish of Saint Mark’s, shall be a body corporate in such manner as the church-wardens of Saint Andrew’s now are, and shall be and are hereby impowered to rate and assess the several houses within the said parish of Saint Mark’s, other than the dwelling-house of John Hansard of Lazy-Hill, Esquire, in such manner as they shall think fit, with the consent of the vicar or minister, and the inhabitants of the said parish, or the major part of them, at such meetings as shall be appointed to that purpose for and towards building or erecting a church within the said parish, to be constituted as aforesaid, under the name and title of the church of Saint Mark, if the voluntary contributions that shall be made towards the said building shall fall short and not be sufficient to do it, and to levy the same, together with the necessary charges in levying thereof by distress and sale of the goods so distrayned, the overplus, if any, to be restored to the owner or owners of the said goods.