St. Anne's Parish Act 1707

Division of the parish of St. Nicholas into two several parishes by the names of St. Nicholas without the walls, and St. Luke’s.

VII. And whereas the parish of Saint Nicholas without the walls, is too large for the parish church thereof: be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That immediately from and after the said parish shall become vacant by the death, cession, or surrender of the present curate thereof, doctor John Stern, dean of the cathedral church of Saint Patrick’s Dublin, and not before, the said parish of Saint Nicholas without the walls, shall be and is hereby divided into two several and distinct parishes, and that precinct or compass of ground of which the same doth now consist, be and is hereby constituted and made two several parishes, divided and distinguished as is herein after mentioned, and from and after the time aforesaid, shall be called by the names of the parish of Saint Nicholas without the walls, and of the parish of Saint Luke’s, according to such their division and description as is herein after mentioned, each of which shall be separate and independant from the other, and shall by itself, have all parochial rights and priviledges, and that there shall be for each of them a several parochial church, and a curate or minister, several and independant from the other, and constant and perpetual succeeding curates or ministers there for ever, who shall each of them have the cure of fouls in their said respective parishes, and have and enjoy, and receive from the inhabitants of their respective parishes, all such ecclesiastical dues as are now of right or by custom belonging to the curate or minister of Saint Nicholas without aforesaid, and also all such sums of money as are already allotted, ascertained, set forth, and charged, or hereafter shall be allotted, ascertained, set forth, and charged, for the curate, minister, or incumbent, on the several houses in the said parishes respectively, pursuant to an act of Parliament lately passed in this kingdom, for the provision for ministers in cities and corporate towns, subject nevertheless to the visitation of the archbishop of Dublin, and such laws and cannons ecclesiastical as any curate, minister or incumbent of any parish now is, or of right ought to be subject to: Saving always to the dean of the cathedral church of Saint Patrick’s Dublin, and his successors deans of the said cathedral for ever, the same jurisdiction over the curates or ministers of the said parishes of Saint Nicholas without the walls, and of Saint Luke’s, which he the said dean now hath, or of right ought to have over the curate or minister of Saint Nicholas without the walls.