Boundaries of the parish of St. Luke’s.
IX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all that part of the parish of Saint Nicholas without, commonly called or known by the name of Donore ward, within the said parish, situate, lying, and being on the west side of the brook or water which runs front Harolds-cross down through the Black-pits, and so to the Poddle; as also that part of the said parish of Saint Nicholas without the walls, which is and lyeth on the fouth of the water or brook which runs from Crooked-staff down the Coombs, and so to the said Poddle, where the said two brooks or waters meet, and all particular streets, lanes, places, houses, grounds, lands, and every of them that are on the west side of the water running through the Black-pits aforesaid, and that are on the fouth side of the water running through the Combs aforesaid, and now belonging to the said parish of Saint Nicholas without the walls, shall be and is hereby declared to be from the next vacancy or avoidance of the said parish of Saint Nicholas without the walls, the parish of Saint Luke’s, and so for ever after, shall be called, deemed and taken.