St. Anne's Parish Act 1707

Lands set out for manse house &c. to St. Luke’s parish.

XII. And whereas the present curate, minister, or incumbent of the parish of Saint Nicholas without the walls, and the present church-wardens and parishioners of the said parish assembled in vestry, have unanimously agreed, consented, and appointed that all those tenements, grounds, and lands lying and being within Donore ward aforesaid, and belonging to the parish of Saint Nicholas without the walls, being in lease to the late lord chief baron Byss, and master Michael Atkinson, shall from and after the expiration of the said leases, go along with the new parish of Saint Luke’s as aforesaid, and be for ever the glebe or mans of the curates or ministers of Saint Luke’s, and his successors curates or ministers of Saint Luke’s: To the end nevertheless, that the dean and chapter of the catheral of Saint Patrick’s Dublin, or any other person or persons with the consent of his grace the lord archbishop of Dublin for the time being, may if they think convenient, receive, buy or purchase the present tenants interest in any part of the said ground, and lay out, appoint, and separate as much of the the said land for a church and church-yard, as to them shall seem necessary: Be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the aforesaid lands, tenements, and grounds being within Donore ward, now belonging to the parish of Saint Nicholas without, and set by the said parish as aforesaid, to the late lord chief baron Byss, and master Michael Atkinson, shall from the expiration or sooner determination of the said leases, be called, deemed, and taken to be the glebe or mans of the curate or minister of Saint Luke, and his successors curates or ministers of Saint Luke’s for ever; reserving nevertheless, and hereby giving to the archbishop of Dublin for the time being, a power of receiving, buying, or purchasing the present tenants interest, and of setting out, appointing and separating with the consent of the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of Saint Patrick’s Dublin for the time being, such part and portion of the said ground so received, bought or purchased for a church and church-yard, as to them shall seem convenient; the rest and residue of the said ground and tenements so received, bought or purchased, to be immediately from and after such gift, buying or purchasing, the manse and glebe of the curate or minister of Saint Luke’s, and his successors curates or ministers of Saint Luke for ever; and in case the said tenants interest in the said leases cannot be bought or purchased, so as that a church may be erected, and a church-yard or cæmitry set out thereon, or if some other ground within the parish of Saint Luke’s shall be thought fitter whereon to build a church, and make a church-yard: Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of Saint Patrick’s Dublin, with the consent and approbation of the archbishop of Dublin for the time being, at any time hereafter to buy, purchase, or take a grant of any piece of ground within the limits of the said parish of Saint Luke’s herein before expressed, for a church and church-yard for the said parish, the statute of mortmaine, or any other law or statute to the contrary notwithstanding.