After 1 June 1720, no goldsmith, &c. obliged to work any plate according to the new standard of 11 oz. 10 dwt., &c.
2. And . . . that from and after the said first day of June one thousand seven hundred and twenty, no goldsmith, silversmith, or plateworker shall be obliged, by force or virtue of the said former laws and statutes, or any of them, to work or make, or cause to be wrought or made, any silver vessel, plate, or manufacture of silver, according to the said new standard of eleven ounces and ten peny weight of fine silver at least in every pound troy, or be restrained from putting to sale, exchanging, or selling any silver vessels, plate, or manufactures of silver, so as the same do contain eleven ounces and two peny weight of fine silver at least in every pound troy, and be touched, assayed and marked in such manner and form as in and by the said former laws and statutes and by this present Act, are provided and established for touching, assaying, and marking the same.