Constables chosen at vestry, and returned to lord mayor, shall be sworn, unless reasonable cause for disapprobation, on affidavit, and certified in 8 days to the minister, and filed:
10 G. I. 3.
Church-wardens by order of vestry may lay it before a judge of B. R. and if disapproved, a new election.
IV. And whereas several mischiefs have happened by the lord mayor’s frequent disapproving of persons, who have been chosen to serve as constables at the several vestries, and presented or returned to the said lord mayor to be sworn into the said office, and that without any reasonable cause assigned: for remedy whereof be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every person, so returned to serve as constable, shall be sworn into the said office, unless disapproved for a reasonable cause, to be made appear by one or more affidavits, and unless such disapprobation with the reasons thereof be certified under the hands of the lord mayor and recorder, and returned to the minister of the parish within eight days after such constable shall be so returned to the lord mayor and filed with the clerk of the vestry; which certificate shall be granted and filed without fee or reward; and if the parishioners in vestry assembled shall think themselves aggrieved by such disapprobation, and that it is not reasonable and sufficient, it shall and may be lawful to and for the church-wardens of such parish by an order of vestry to lay the same before any one of the judges of his Majesty’s court of King’s bench, who upon hearing the matter is hereby impowered and required under his hand and seal to approve or disapprove of the person or persons so chosen and presented, and in case such judge shall disapprove of such person or persons, the parishioners shall proceed to a new election.