Dr. Steeven's Hospital Act 1729

to meet as often as occasion,

and make regulations;

and for not conforming thereto may suspend officers or servants, and remove the sick or wounded,

or inflict a lesser punishment.

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said governors and guardians of the said hospital, and their successors, shall have power and authority, and are hereby authorized, to meet together from time to time and as often as there shall be occasion; and the said governors and guardians, or their successors, or any five or more of them, being so assembled, whereof the lord chancellor, or one of the chief judges for the time being, to be always one, shall have power to consider of, and by the votes of the major part of such of the said governors and guardians, as shall be so assembled, to make such reasonable laws, rules, orders, and regulations, for the better government and management of the said hospital, as they shall think necessary and convenient, and to revoke or alter the same at their discretion; to which laws, rules, orders, and regulations, so made by the said governors and guardians of the said hospital, all officers and servants belonging to the said hospital, who shall from time to time be nominated and appointed by the votes of the major number of such of the said governors and guardians of the said hospital, as shall be so assembled, five at least being present, and all sick and wounded persons, who from time to time shall be and remain within the same, shall for ever be lyable and subject to, and from time to time observe and pay due obedience, thereto; and in case such officers and servants, or sick or wounded persons, shall refuse or neglect to conform to and obey the same, the said governors and guardians of the said hospital at any assembly by the votes of the major number, five at least being present, shall have full power and authority, and are hereby authorized, to suspend or deprive such officers or servants of and from their offices, services, or employments, and all perquisites and profits belonging thereunto, and to remove or cause to be removed such sick and wounded persons out of the said hospital, or for such offence or offences to appoint any lesser punishment to be inflicted on such officers or servants, and such sick and wounded persons, as in their discretion they shall think fit.