They may without licence in mortmain purchase, & c. 2000 l. per ann.
Trustees in Montgomery’s will may convey to them effectually.
VII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said governors and guardians of the said hospital, and their successors, shall and may without licence in mortmain purchase, take or receive any mannors, lands, tenements, annuities, or hereditaments in possession; reversion, or contingency, not exceeding the value of two thousand pounds per annum in the whole, of the alienation, gift, or devise of any person or persons having a right, and not being otherwise disabled, to alien, grant, or devise the same, who are hereby enabled to transfer and grant the same accordingly, or any goods and chattels personal whatsoever, as well for finishing the said building, as for the relief, support, and maintenance of the sick and wounded persons to be placed in the said hospital; and that the said John Montgomery and captain Alexander Auchinlecke, trustees in the will of the said colonel Alexander Montgomery, may and are hereby impowered and enabled to grant and convey the field and right of commonage in Dolphin’s barn to the said governors and guardians of the said hospital and their successors according to the true intent and meaning of the last will and testament of the said colonel Alexander Montgomery deceased; which shall be as good and effectual, as if such conveyance had been made to the trustees in the will of the said doctor Stephens; the statutes of mortmain, or any other statute, law; provision, or restriction, to the contrary notwithstanding.