Penalty on persons forging or transposing marks or stamps;
or selling, &c. plate with forged or transposed marks, &c.;
or possessing forged marks, &c.
16. And . . . if any person shall cast, forge, or counterfeit, or cause or procure to be cast, forged, or counterfeited any mark or stamp used or directed to be used in pursuance of this Act for the marking or stamping of gold or silver plate, or shall cast, forge, or counterfeit, or shall cause or procure to be cast, forged, or counterfeited any mark, stamp, or impression in limitation of or to resemble any mark, stamp, or impression made or to be made with any mark or stamp used or to be used as aforesaid or shall mark or stamp or cause or procure to be marked or stamped any wrought plate of gold or silver, or any wares of silver, brass, copper, or other metal, gilt over or plated and resembling plate of gold or silver, with any mark or stamp which hath been or shall be cast, forged, or counterfeited at any time, in imitation of or to resemble any mark or stamp used or to be used as aforesaid or shall transpose or remove, or cause, or procure to be transposed or removed from one piece of wrought plate to another piece of wrought plate, or from any piece of wrought plate to any vessel of silver, brass, or other metal as aforesaid any mark, stamp, or impression made or to be made by or with any mark or stamp used or to be used as aforesaid, or shall sell, exchange, or expose to sale, or export out of Ireland any wrought plate of gold or silver, or any vessel of silver, brass, or other metal as aforesaid with any such forged or counterfeited mark, stamp, or impression thereon, or with any mark, stamp, or impression which hath been or shall be transposed or removed or cut out from any piece of wrought plate, knowing such mark, stamp, or impression to be forged, counterfeited, or transposed, cut out or removed as aforesaid, or shall willfully or knowingly have or be possessed of any mark or stamp which have been or shall be forged or counterfeited in imitation of or to resemble any mark or stamp used or to be used as aforesaid, every such person offending in any or either of such cases aforesaid, being thereof lawfully convicted, shall be adjudged guilty of felony, and shall be sentenced to be transported for the term of seven years in such manner as other felons may be transported under any Act or Acts in force in Ireland; and if any person or persons shall cut out of one piece of wrought plate any stamp, mark, or impressions made or to be made, by or with any mark or stamp to be used as aforesaid, with intent to transpose or remove such stamp, mark, or impression, or with intent that the small shall and may be transposed or removed from one piece of wrought plate to another piece of wrought plate, or from any piece of wrought plate to any vessel of silver, brass, copper, or other metal, gilt or plated, and resembling plate of gold or silver, every such person so offending shall forfeit the sum of two hundred pounds.