Smuggling Act, 1808

Penalty on Persons in any unlicensed Vessel on Enemy’s Coast, &c. having Spirits, Tea, Tobacco, or Snuff on board, &c. Felony and Transportation.

IX. And be it further enacted, That all Persons, being Subjects of His Majesty, who shall, after the First Day of August One thousand eight hundred and eight, voluntarily and without His Majesty’s Licence, or the Licence of His Majesty’s Privy Council, or of One of His Majesty’s Principal Secretaries of State, or of the First Lord of the Admiralty, or other sufficient lawful Authority, and without any sufficient Excuse for the same, proceed and fail in any Ship, Vessel, or Boat, to any Road or Harbour upon the Coast of any of His Majesty’s Enemies, or shall be found in any Ship, Vessel, or Boat lying on the Coast or in any Road or Harbour of any Country belonging to His Majesty’s Enemies, without any such Licence or Authority, or sufficient Excuse as aforesaid, or under the Protection of any Batteries or other Force on such Coasts, or under the Protection of any Vessel belonging to His Majesty’s Enemies, having on board or having had on board on such Voyage, or being in such Harbour, or upon such Coast, or under the Protection of such Batteries, with Intent to take on board any Spirits, Tea, Tobacco, or Snuff, shall be deemed guilty of Felony, and shall be liable to be transported for any Term not exceeding Seven Years.