Carmen or Coopers plying on the Custom House Quays to have Badges of Approbation.
IV. And be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any Person to ply or act as Carman or Cooper on the Custom House Quays of the Ports of Dublin or Cork, or in the Stores of the said Custom Houses, or either of them, until such Person shall be first approved of by the Surveyors of the said Quays or Stores respectively, and receive from them, in Testimony of such Approbation, a Badge signifying the same, which Badge shall be delivered to every such Person without Fee or Reward, and if any Person shall ply or act as Carman or Cooper on the said Quays, or either of them, or in any of the said Stores until badged or approved of as aforesaid, such Person being thereof convicted before any Magistrate of the Cities of Dublin and Cork respectively, shall forfeit the Sum of Five Pounds, and in Default of Payment of the said Sum shall be imprisoned for One Month without Bail or Mainprize.