Butter Trade (Ireland) Act, 1812

Weighmasters to give bond with sureties.

Weighmasters, &c. to take oath.

6. And . . . that each and every public weighmaster or weighmasters, his or their successor or successors, taster or tasters, so to be nominated and appointed by virtue of and in pursuance of this Act, before he or they or any of them shall enter on the execution of said office, shall perfect a bond with sufficient security to the mayor of each city, chief magistrate of each town corporate, and justices of the peace of each county at their county sessions, wherein such public weighmaster or public weighmasters, taster or tasters shall be so appointed and nominated, in such penalty as said mayor, chief magistrate, or justice (as the case may be) shall think reasonable, not exceeding five hundred pounds sterling, or less than fifty pounds sterling, for his or their true and faithful performance and execution of his or their office; and that the said weighmaster or weighmasters, and their deputy or deputies to be by them employed, together with the taster or tasters, shall take and subscribe before the said mayor, chief magistrate, or justices of the peace (as the case may be) the oath (or, if a Quaker, the affirmation) following :

‘I A.B. do swear [or affirm] that I will diligently and faithfully execute the office of public weighmaster [or taster of butter, as the case may be] of the city of            [or, of the town corporate of          , or, of            in the county of            being a place of export, or, market town of            in the county of          , as the case may be], during the time I shall continue in said office: I will take care truly, without fraud or delay, to weigh or cause to be weighed all butter, and to weigh and brand or cause to be weighed and branded all casks, in such order as the said goods shall be brought to me to be weighed and branded; and will taste and truly try all butter required to be tasted in pursuance of my office as taster of butter; and in all other respects, to the best of my skill and judgment, I will truly execute my said charge.’

Which oath or affirmation the said mayor, chief magistrate, and justices (as the case may be) are hereby empowered and required to administer; and which oath or affirmation all and every former weighmaster and weighmasters, his or their deputy or deputies, who shall be in office at the commencement of this Act are, hereby required to take and subscribe.