In case of absence of weighmaster, deputy to be removable for misbehaviour, and another to be appointed.
13. And . . . that the mayor of each city, chief magistrate of each town corporate, or a justice of the peace of the county at large in which there is a place of export or market town, where a public weighmaster or joint public weighmasters is, are, or shall be nominated and appointed as aforesaid, in the absence of such public weighmaster or joint public weighmasters of such city, town corporate, place of export, or market town (as the case shall happen to be), shall and may, upon complaint in writing and upon full proof upon oath or affirmation as aforesaid of one or more credible witness or witnesses (which oath or affirmation such mayor, chief magistrate, or justices aforesaid, as the case may be, is hereby empowered and required to administer), of the misbehaviour of the deputy or deputies of such public weighmaster or joint public weighmasters, or any of them, and upon full hearing of him or them, or being duly summoned to appear before such mayor, chief magistrate, or justice of the peace (as the case shall happen to be), having forty-eight hours notice as aforesaid, and neglecting to appear, have power from time to time to remove such deputy or deputies from his or their office or offices, and to nominate and appoint another or others to act in his or their place or stead during the absence of such public weighmaster or joint public weighmasters from time to time as aforesaid.