Butter Trade (Ireland) Act, 1812

Fees to weighmasters, &c.

No butter to be packed, &c. in casks exceeding 84 lbs. in the gross.

Tare to be in proportion to gross weight.

Butter not to be above the riddle.

17. And whereas the weighing, examining, and branding such empty cask or casks and cask or casks of butter are attended with great expense and trouble: Be it therefore enacted, that the weighmaster or weighmasters of each city, town corporate, place of export, and market town for the time being shall have and receive from the person bringing the same to be weighed and branded, or from the owner thereof, the sum of one penny, and no more, for every such empty cask so weighed and branded; and for the weighing and branding every cask of butter, two-pence; and for tasting, proving, and marking the quality, one penny, to be paid to the person so tasting, proving and marking the said butter; and that no butter shall be packed, sold, or exposed to sale in any cask exceeding in weight more than eighty-four pounds in the gross; and that the said weighmaster or weighmasters, his or their deputy or deputies, shall not brand any empty cask which when full of butter may weigh more than eighty-four pounds gross, nor less than twenty-eight pounds gross; and that the tare of every such cask or casks shall be twenty pounds weight per hundred weight on the gross weight thereof, or to be deducted in that proportion though it shall weigh less; and that upon refusal to pay the respective fees aforesaid or any of them by the person or persons liable by this Act to pay the same, it shall and may be lawful for such weighmaster or weighmasters, his or their deputy or deputies, taster or tasters, to detain such cask or casks until satisfaction be made according to the true intent and meaning of this Act; . . . . . . . . . . and if any cask of butter which shall be brought to any of the weigh-houses aforesaid shall have the butter in it packed above the riddle of such cask, such cask of butter shall not be weighed until the surface of such butter shall be reduced to a level with the corner edge of such riddle; and in case the tare marked on any cask of butter which shall be brought to any of the said weigh-houses to be weighed shall not be in the proportion aforesaid to the gross weight of such cask, it shall be lawful for the said weighmaster or weighmasters, his or their deputy or deputies, and he and they are hereby required to erase such tare from such cask, and to mark and brand thereon such tare as shall bear that proportion to the gross weight thereof which by this Act is required.

[S. 18 rep. 36 & 37 Vict. c. 91. (S.L.R.)]