Bank of England to pay a composition for the duties on their bills and notes.
21. The said governor and company [3]
shall deliver to the said commissioners of stamps on the first day of May in every year whilst the present stamp duties shall remain in force, a just and true account, verified by the oath of their chief accountant, of the amount or value of all their promissory notes and bank post bills in circulation on some given day in every week, for the space of three years preceding the sixth day of April in the year in which the account shall be delivered, together with the average amount or value thereof according to such account; and the said governor and company shall pay into the hands of the receiver general of the stamp duties in Great Britain, as a composition for the duties which would otherwise have been payable for their promissory notes and bank post bills issued within the year, reckoning from the fifth day of April preceding the delivery of the said account, the sum of three thousand five hundred pounds for every million, and after that rate for half a million but not for a less sum than half a million, of the said average amount or value of their said notes and bank post bills in circulation; and one half part of the sum so to be ascertained as aforesaid for each year's composition shall be paid on the first day of October, and the other half on the first day of April next after the delivery of such account aforesaid.