Consolidated Fund Act, 1816

Certain public accounts to be annually prepared and laid before Parliament.

22. The Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for the time being shall annually cause an account of the total income of the said United Kingdom, including all duties of customs, excise, stamps, and incidents in Great Britain and Ireland respectively, and all other the ordinary revenues and extraordinary resources of the said United Kingdom, to be prepared and made out for one year, ending on the fifth day of January in each year, together with an account of the income of the consolidated fund of the said United Kingdom, for every such year, and also of the actual payments thereout within the said year, and of the future annual charge upon the said fund as the same stood on that day; and also an account of the net produce of all the permanent taxes of the said United Kingdom within the said year; and also an account of the arrears and balances due from all public accountants on the said fifth day of January in each year; and also an account of the exports and imports of the said United Kingdom, and of the shipping registered in or belonging to the several ports of his Majesty's dominions within the said years; and also an account of the public expenditure of the said United Kingdom, within the said year; and also an account of the public funded debt of the said United Kingdom, and the reduction thereof; and also an account of the unfunded and outstanding debt of the said United Kingdom, as the same stood respectively on the fifth day of January in each year; and also an account shewing how the monies given for the service of the said United Kingdom for the year preceding the said fifth day of January have been disposed of; and the said commissioners shall in each year cause such accounts to be laid before both Houses of Parliament on or before the twenty-fifth day of March in each year, if Parliament shall be then sitting, or if Parliament shall not then be sitting, within fourteen days after the next sitting of Parliament.

[Ss. 23–28 rep. 36 & 37 Vict. c. 91. (S.L.R.)]