A corporation created in every county and county of a city or town, for the establishment of a fever hospital.
Chairman of meetings.
Meetings how to be convened.
Corporations may elect residents and contributors to be members of the corporation;
and may make bye-laws, and appoint committees;
and may acquire lands not exceeding the value or 500l. per annum;
and accept gifts of personal property
and leases of houses or lands for not exceeding 21 years.
[1.] There shall be and one body politic and corporate is hereby created and erected in every county, and in every county of a city, and in every county of a town in Ireland; which shall consist in every such county of the archbishop or bishop whose diocese or any part of whose diocese shall extend into such county, of the representatives in Parliament for such county, of all the justices of the peace commissioned and acting as such in such county; and in every county of a city or county of a town such corporation shall consist also of the chief magistrate, sheriffs, and recorder of such county of a city or town, likewise of the representative or representatives in Parliament (if any), and of the justices of the peace for such county of a city or town, all for the time being, and also of such persons as are herein-after mentioned; which corporation shall be called by the name of The President and Assistants of the Fever Hospital for [], applying to every of them the name of its proper county, city, or town; and all the said corporations shall have perpetual duration and succession, and may sue and be sued in all courts of justice by those names respectively, and shall have a common seal, and shall meet at and adjourn to such times and places within their counties, cities, or towns respectively, as they shall think fit; . . . and at the first and every future meeting of the said corporations respectively the archbishop or bishop, if present when the said corporations or quorums of them respectively shall assemble, shall take the chair, shall put every question, declare the majority of votes, and do all the duties of president or head of the corporation for that meeting; but if the archbishop or bishop shall not be present when the said corporations respectively shall first assemble, the representative in Parliament for that county, county of a city or county of a town, who shall first come on that day to the place of meeting, if both shall attend, and if not, the representative in Parliament for that county, county of a city or county of a town, who shall be present when the said corporations or quorums of them respectively shall assemble; and if the archbishop or bishop, or the representatives for such counties; cities, or towns respectively, or either or them, shall not attend in every county of a city and county of a town, the chief magistrate, or in his default, and in every county at large, the oldest justice of the peace who shall be present when the said corporations respectively or quorums of them shall first assemble shall take the chair, and do all the duties of president or head of the corporation for that meeting; and the said corporations respectively shall be considered as assembled for the purpose of determining who shall be the president of that day, whenever five shall have come to the place of meeting at the time appointed for the first meeting of the said corporations respectively; and at all subsequent times after, whenever five of the said corporations shall have come to the place of the meeting at the respective times to be appointed for such meetings; and every person qualified or capable as aforesaid of presiding at the meetings of the said corporations may at all times after the aforesaid first time appointed for the meeting of the said corporations, by notice in writing signed by him, to be posted at the proper assizes town, or at the sessions house in the city of Dublin, six days at the least before the time of meeting, exclusive of the day of posting such notice and the day of meeting, convene the said corporations respectively to do all corporate acts, but no second notice signed by a different person shall supersede a former; of which corporations respectively five shall always be a competent number to do all corporate acts; and the said corporations are hereby respectively authorized and empowered to elect, during good behaviour, such other persons residing within their counties, cities, or towns respectively, as they shall think fit, and those also who shall contribute any sum not less than twenty pounds, or who shall subscribe and pay any annual sum not less than one guinea to be applied to the charitable purposes of this Act, to be members of the said corporations respectively; and it shall be lawful for the said corporations respectively, and they are hereby authorized, to make bye-laws reasonable and consonant to the laws of the land, and to appoint standing committees for the purposes of this Act to meet and act at certain place or places to be appointed in each county, city, or town; and it shall and may be lawful for the said corporations, and each of them respectively, and they are hereby authorized, empowered, and qualified, to accept or take by purchase, or by voluntary grant, or by device, any lands, tenements, or hereditaments of inheritance or for lives, not exceeding to any one of the said corporations the clear yearly value of five hundred pounds, any law to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding; but the corporation of any of the said counties, cities, or towns, shall at no time have a capacity to take lands of inheritance or for lives of a greater value than as aforesaid, except in the case of eviction or determination of interest, in which case the said corporations respectively may make such new acquisition as aforesaid, not exceeding the clear annual value aforesaid; and it shall be lawful for the said corporations, and they are respectively hereby authorized, empowered and qualified to take all such donations in personal property as shall be made to them, and to accept of all leases for years of houses or lands, so as no such lease shall exceed twenty-one years; but every lease for years of lands or of a house to be made to any of the said corporations exceeding that term shall be void, except as herein-after excepted.