Capital stock of the Bank to be extended from 2,500,000l. to 3,000,000l.
The increase of 500,000l. to be divided among the proprietors, at the rate of 20l. for every 100l. they possess.
3. In consideration of the said advance of five hundred thousand pounds for the public service as aforesaid, the capital stock of the Bank of Ireland shall be and the same is hereby increased and extended from the sum of two millions five hundred thousand pounds Irish currency, of which the same now consists, to the sum of three millions Irish currency, making an increase or addition of five hundred thousand pounds capital stock; and the said sum of five hundred thousand pounds capital stock shall be appropriated and divided amongst the several persons, bodies politic and corporate, who shall be proprietors of the capital stock of the Bank of Ireland on the twenty-fourth day of June one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one, at the rate of twenty pounds for every one hundred pounds of bank stock of which such persons, bodies politic and corporate shall then be respectively proprietors, or which they shall have standing in their respective names in the books kept by the Bank of Ireland for the entry and transfer of such stock, and so in proportion for a greater or lesser sum; and such division and appropriation shall be placed to the credit of the respective names of such persons, bodies politic and corporate, in the books of the said governor and company accordingly; and all such persons, bodies politic and corporate shall, from the time of such division and appropriation, be lawfully entitled to the additional sum of bank stock so placed in or to the credit of their respective names, and shall respectively be entitled to be paid the same rate of dividend thereon, and to possess and enjoy the same profits, privileges, and advantages in respect thereof, in like manner to all intents and purposes as they are or shall be entitled to be paid, possess, and enjoy, in respect of the bank stock which shall stand in their respective names previous to the said twenty-fourth day of June one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one.