Registry of Deeds (Ireland) Act 1822

Form of Certificate to be given by the Extraordinary Commissioner.

V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Certificate to be given by the Extraordinary Commissioner as before mentioned, upon the Deed, Instrument, or Writing, the Execution whereof shall have been so proved before said Extraordinary Commissioner in Manner aforesaid, whereof a Memorial also so proved before said Extraordinary Commissioner shall have been so registered in Ireland, shall be in the Form or to the Effect following:

‘A MEMORIAL of the within Deed was entered in the Register’s Office in the City of Dublin upon day the Day of in the Year of our Lord at or near the Hour of o’Clock in the noon, in Book, Page, and Number; the Execution of said Deed and Memorial having been first duly proved before me, pursuant to the Statute in that Case made and provided, and such Registry appearing by the Certificate of the Register in Ireland upon the Copy of said Memorial, and by my Attestation thereof upon said Register’s Certificate. Dated this Day of One thousand eight hundred and C.D. One of the Extraordinary Commissioners of the Court of Chancery in Ireland for taking Affidavits in Great Britain.’

On Production of any Deed, Registrar in Ireland shall register Memorial and endorse Certificate of Registry.

And the said Certificate, so signed by such Extraordinary Commissioner, shall be taken and allowed as Evidence of the Registry of the Memorial therein mentioned in all Courts of Record whatsoever in Great Britain and Ireland respectively: Provided always, that the Registrar or Deputy Registrar of Deeds in Ireland shall, upon the production of any Deed, Instrument, or Writing, a Memorial whereof shall have been proved upon Oath before One of the Extraordinary Commissioners aforesaid, register such Memorial, and shall endorse a Certificate of the Registry thereof upon the said produced Deed or Instrument in the usual Manner; any thing herein-before contained to the contrary notwithstanding.