Court of Chancery (Ireland) Act, 1823

Officer shall keep writing clerks in their offices, and pay them 1½d. per office sheet.

Officer shall not permit copies to be made elsewhere than in his office and by such writing clerks.

Penalty, 20l.

13. All officers of the said Court of Chancery, who shall be entitled to any fees under the provisions of this Act, shall employ in their respective offices a sufficient number of writing clerks to make copies of bills, pleadings, affidavits, orders, decrees, and other things belonging to their respective offices, and required by or on behalf of the suitors of the said court, and to do and perform all other business requisite to be done and performed in such respective offices, so that the business of any suitor of the said court shall not be unnecessarily delayed therein; and such officer shall pay to every such writing clerk, for all copies made by such writing clerk, after the rate of not less than one penny halfpenny for every office sheet consisting of seventy-two words, of every such copy made by such clerk, and for a part or portion of any office sheet; and it shall not be lawful for any such officer to cause or direct or knowingly permit any such copy, or any part thereof, to be made in any other place, or by any other person, than in the proper office of such officer, and by a writing clerk employed in such office and paid exclusively by such officer after the rate aforesaid at the least; and every such officer shall be responsible for the accuracy of every copy so made in his office, and for the same being duly compared with the original from which it shall be made; and every such officer who shall cause or direct or knowingly permit any copy to be made contrary to this Act, or who shall not pay the writing clerk for writing the same according to the rate by this Act directed at the least, shall for every such offence forfeit the sum of twenty pounds.