Infants' Property Act, 1830

Infants, &c. empowered by order of Court of Chancery to grant renewals of leases.

16. Where any person, being under the age of twenty-one years, or a feme covert, might, in pursuance of any covenant or agreement, if not under disability, be compelled to renew any lease made or to be made for the life or lives of one or more person or persons, or for any term or number of years absolute or determinable on the death of one or more person or persons, it shall be lawful to and for such infant, or his guardian in the name of such infant, or such feme covert, by the direction of the Court of Chancery, to be signified by an order to be made in a summary way upon the petition of such infant or his guardian, or of such feme covert, or of any person entitled to such renewal, from time to time to accept of a surrender of such lease, and to make and execute a new lease of the premises comprised in such lease, for and during such number of lives, or for such term or terms determinable upon such number of lives, or for such term or terms of years absolute, as was or were mentioned in the lease so surrendered at the making thereof, or otherwise, as the court by such order shall direct.