Any Person who shall compel or menace any one to quit his Farm or Employment, or shall assault or break into any Habitation, or injure Property, or carry away Horses, &c., shall be liable to Transportation or Imprisonment.
II. And be it further enacted, That if any Person or Persons, rising or assembling in the Manner mentioned in the said recited Act of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Years of His late Majesty King George the Third, or in any other Manner whatsoever, shall unlawfully compel, or by Force, Threats, or Menaces attempt to compel, any of His Majesty’s Subjects to quit his, her, or their Dwelling House, Habitation, Farm, Possession, Place of Abode, Service, or lawful Employment, or shall maliciously assault or injure the Dwelling House, Place of Abode, or Habitation of any other Person or Persons, or shall break into his, her, or their House, Habitation, Barn, or Outhouse, or cause any Door to be opened by Threats or Menaces, or shall maliciously injure the Land, Goods, or Chattels, or Property, Real or Personal, of any other Person or Persons; or take or carry away any Horse, Gelding, Mare, or Mule, or any Gun, Sword, or other Weapon, or any Money or Goods or Chattels whatsoever, without the Consent of the Owner, or shall cause the same or any of the same to be delivered to him or them by Threats or Menaces; or shall in any Manner whatsoever maliciously dig up, turn up, pull up, cut down, prostrate, level, demolish, or injure the Lands or Crops growing or severed, or the Walls, Paling, Hedges, or other Fences, or the Cattle, Goods, or Chattels, of any other Person or Persons; all and every Person and Persons so offending, being thereof lawfully convicted, shall be liable to be transported beyond the Seas for the Term of his natural Life, or for the Term of Seven or Fourteen Years, or be imprisoned with or without hard Labour for any Term not exceeding Three Years, and, if a Male, to be once, twice, or thrice publicly or privately whipped, if the Court shall think fit, in addition to such Imprisonment.