Persons forcibly opposing officers, or assembling and found armed to assist in removing illicit articles, to be guilty of felony.
29. Every person who shall, with any fire-arms, swords, bludgeons, sticks, stones, or other offensive weapons, assault, or with force and violence obstruct, any officer of excise, or other person acting in his aid, in searching for, seizing, or securing, or in destroying any spirits, low wines, singlings, wort, wash, or pot ale, or any still, still head, or worm, or any back, vessel, or utensil, or any malt or corn or grain, or other goods, or in seizing and securing any horse, cattle, carriage, cart, boat, or vessel, or in arresting, securing, or detaining any person liable to arrest under any of the provisions of this Act, or shall rescue or attempt to rescue any seizure made by any officer of excise, or any person arrested and detained by any officer of excise, or who shall, to the number of two or more, be found armed with any fire-arms, swords, bludgeons, sticks, or stones, or other deadly or offensive weapons, or wearing any mask, vizard, or other disguise of the person, removing, carrying, and conveying, or having in their custody and possession, or assembled together for the purpose of or in order to be aiding and assisting, or being aiding and assisting, in carrying and conveying, any malt or spirits illegally made or distilled, or the duties whereon shall not have been fully paid, or any still, still head, or worm of a still, or any wort, wash, pot ale, low wines, or singlings, or any corn or grain making into malt, or any keg, cask, or vessel which shall have contained spirits illegally distilled, or the duties whereon shall not have been fully paid, shall be guilty of felony, and on conviction shall be transported for the term of seven years, or, in the discretion of the court, sentenced to be imprisoned and kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding three years nor less than six calendar months.