Statutory Declarations Act, 1835

Churchwarden’s and Sidesman’s Oath abolished, and a Declaration to be made in lieu thereof.

IX. ‘And whereas Persons serving the Offices of Churchwarden and Sidesman are at present required to take an Oath of Office before entering upon the Execution thereof, and also an Oath on quitting such Office, and it is expedient that a Declaration shall be substituted for such Oath of Office, and that the Oath on quitting the same shall be abolished;’ be it enacted, That in future every Person entering upon the Office of Churchwarden or Sidesman, before beginning to discharge the Duties thereof, shall, in lieu of such Oath of Office, make and subscribe, in the Presence of the Ordinary or other Person before whom he would, but for the passing of this Act, be required to take such Oath, a Declaration that he will faithfully and diligently perform the Duties of his Office, and such Ordinary or other Person is hereby empowered and required to administer the same accordingly: Provided always, that no Churchwarden or Sidesman shall in future be required to take any Oath on quitting Office, as has heretofore been practised.