Grand juries may make presentments for erecting, repairing, or enlarging any pier or quay.
3 & 4 Will. 4. c. 78.
[1.] When any person shall be desirous of promoting the erection of any pier or quay, or the repairing or enlarging of any existing pier or quay on the bank of any navigable river or lake, or the making or repairing of any road or approach to any such pier or quay, in any county, county of a city, or county of a town in Ireland, or to deepening or embanking of any such lake or river, it shall and may be lawful for such person to make application, and for the grand jury of the said county, county of a city, or county of a town to make presentment, for such purposes, in like manner, and subject to all the regulations and provisions which are contained in the first Act of the third and fourth of William the Fourth, intituled “An Act to amend the laws relating to grand juries in Ireland,” respecting public works; . . .