Proper officers of excise, before granting licences to persons licensed in the year preceding, shall require a certificate of good character from the chief constable of the constabulary force in the district, or two overseers, in addition to the certificate required by the recited Act.
[1.] It shall and may be lawful to and for the proper officers of excise, and they are hereby directed, to require from all and every person and persons applying for such licence as in the said Act mentioned, to sell beer, cider, and spirits by retail, to be consumed in any house specified in said licence, being the same house as shall have been licensed in the year last immediately preceding, and whose licence shall not have been withdrawn or annulled, in addition to the certificate of six householders of the parish in the said recited Act mentioned, a certificate to the same purport and effect from the chief constable of the constabulary force acting in and for the district in which such house may be situate, or in lieu thereof a certificate from two of the overseers appointed or to be appointed, as provided in and by the said recited Act or by this Act, for the parish in which such house is situate; and in such certificate the said two overseers shall state the time of their appointment, and that they acted as such overseers at least for one month in the year immediately preceding the date of such certificate; and such certificate shall be signed by the said overseers without fee or reward.