Booths and tents at fairs, &c. not to be open for the sale of spirits, wine, or beer at any hour between 6 p.m. and 9 a.m. in summer, and 3 p.m. and 9 a.m. in winter, nor at any time on Sunday, &c.
5. No person selling or licensed to sell beer or cider and spirits or wine, by retail, to be drunk or consumed on the premises, or otherwise, shall have or keep any booth or tent or other place, not being a house duly licensed for the sale of spirits, at any lawful or accustomed fair or at any public races, open for the sale of spirits, wine, or beer, nor shall sell or retail spirits, wine, or beer, nor shall suffer any spirits, wine, or beer to be sold, drunk, or consumed in or at such booth or tent or other place, between the hours of six of the clock in the evening and nine of the clock in the morning at any time between the first day of April and the first day of the following month of October, or between the hours of three of the clock in the afternoon and nine of the clock in the morning at any time between the first day of October and the first day of the following month of April, nor at any time whatsoever on any Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day, or any day appointed for a public fast or thanksgiving; and if any such person shall keep such booth or tent or other place open for selling or shall sell spirits, wine, or beer, or shall suffer any spirits, wine, or beer to be drunk or consumed in or at such booth or tent or other place, at any hour or time at which the same are hereby respectively prohibited, such person shall forfeit the sum of two pounds for any such offence; and every separate sale shall be deemed a separate offence; and all sales on any one day shall be deemed and considered and may be prosecuted as separate offences; and this prohibition shall be deemed and taken to extend to the sale of spirits, wine, or beer to a traveller as well as to any other person.