Licensing (Ireland) Act, 1836

Retailers of spirits shall not permit illegal assemblies in their houses, or hang out flags or emblems therefrom.

8. No person licensed to sell spirits by retail to be consumed on the premises or otherwise shall knowingly permit any body, union, society, or assembly of persons declared to be illegal or prohibited by any law in force at the time of the passing of this Act, or any body, union, society, or assembly of persons, who shall require from persons about to be admitted or being admitted thereto, or into the said body, union, society, or assembly, any oath, test, solemn declaration or affirmation not expressly allowed and required by law, or who shall observe on the admission of members or on any other proceeding any religious or other solemn mystery, rite, or ceremony, or seeming or pretended religious or other solemn mystery, rite, or ceremony not sanctioned by law, or who shall wear, bear, or display, on occasions of their meeting or assembling together, any arms, flags, colours, symbols, decorations, or emblems whatsoever, to meet or assemble or hold a meeting or assembly on any occasion or pretence whatsoever in the house or other place of sale of such person so licensed, nor shall on any occasion or pretence whatsoever hang out or display, or suffer to be hung out or displayed, on, from, or out of such house or other place of sale, any sign, flag, symbol, colour, decoration, or emblem whatsoever, except the known and usual and accustomed sign of such house or other place of sale usually fixed thereto in the way of business; and if any such person shall knowingly permit any such body, union, society, or assembly to meet or assemble or hold any meeting or assembly on any occasion or pretence whatsoever in the house or place of such person, or shall hang out or display, or suffer to be hung out or displayed, on, from, or out of such house or place of sale, any such sign, flag, symbol, colour, decoration, or emblem whatsoever, except as aforesaid, any such person so offending shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of two pounds, and the licence of such person convicted of such offence shall not be renewed by the proper officer of excise without the certificate of the justices at quarter sessions assembled, and of the assistant barrister attending said quarter sessions, that they consider such person to be, notwithstanding such conviction, a fit person to be licensed, on condition of his not again committing a like offence; and if any such person so convicted and obtaining a renewal of his licence on said certificate shall be again convicted of a like offence, such licence shall immediately on such second conviction become null and void to all intents and purposes whatsoever, and such person shall not be capable at any time thereafter of obtaining such licence: Provided however, that nothing herein contained shall extend to any meeting of persons consisting exclusively of Free-masons or members of the society called the Friendly Brothers.