Ecclesiastical Bodies Corporate or Sole, may convey any Portion of their Lands as Sites for Poor Schools, &c.
III. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Body Corporate, or Spiritual Person being a Corporation Sole, to convey any Portion of Land belonging to any such Body Corporate, or belonging to any such Spiritual Person in the Capacity of a Corporation Sole in respect of any Ecclesiastical Preferment held by him, to the Incorporated National Society for promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church, or to the Minister and Churchwardens for the Time being of the Parish wherein such Land shall be situate, or to any, Trustees to be named by the Bishop of the Diocese, for the Purpose of erecting thereon a School Room or School Rooms to be used for the Education of poor Children in the Principles of the Christian Religion, according to the Doctrines and Discipline of the United Church of England and Ireland, and also, where it may be required, for the Purpose of erecting thereon a House or Houses for the Master and Mistress of such Schools: Provided always, that in case of any Spiritual Person being a Corporation Sole, the Consent of the Bishop of the Diocese shall be testified by his being a Party to the Conveyance of such Land; and all Conveyances made by virtue and according to the Provisions of this Act shall be valid and effectual in Law to all Intents and Purposes for vesting the Fee Simple and Inheritance of the Land conveyed thereby in the Parties to whom the same shall be conveyed for the Purpose herein-before specified.