Land to be conveyed not to exceed in Quantity. Half an Acre.
VI. Provided always nevertheless, and be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any Person or Persons, Corporation or Corporations, by virtue of this Act to convey any Common or Waste Ground being Part of a Manor, or any other Land or Ground, for the Site of any School and House or Houses for the Master or Mistress thereof, which shall exceed in Quantity One Half of a Statute Acre; and that the Quantity and Value thereof to be conveyed in every Case shall be ascertained immediately previous to such Conveyance by a Land Surveyor, to be appointed, in case the said Land or Ground shall belong to any Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Body or Person, by the Bishop of the Diocese in which the Land shall be situated, by an Instrument under his Hand ; and that the said Instrument and the Report of the Survey and Valuation by such Surveyor (such Report being verified by the Declaration of the said Surveyor before a Justice of the Peace, and in case the said Land or Ground shall belong to any Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Body or Person, signed by the Bishop in Testimony of his Approbation thereof), shall be annexed to the Deed of Conveyance.