Commissioners may receive and consider applications without the production of estimates, &c., as required by the said Act;
and if they approve thereof, may appoint a surveyor to inspect, survey, and report thereon, provided applicants deposit a sum to defray expense of such survey, &c.
4. [Recital of 1 & 2 Will. 4. c. 33 s. 14.] It shall be lawful for the said commissioners to receive and take into their consideration applications made to them pursuant to the provisions of the said Act or this Act, without the production of the estimates, maps, plans, and specifications required by the said Act as aforesaid, in such cases as they in their discretion shall think fit to dispense with the production of the same; and by the said commissioners shall amend the regulations established by them as aforesaid accordingly; and it shall be lawful for the said commissioners, if upon the consideration of any such application they shall so far approve of the same, to appoint and employ some competent surveyor or surveyors to inspect and survey and make the necessary estimates, maps, plans, or specifications of any work referred to in such application, and investigate the general object, utility, and nature thereof, and report thereon to the said commissioners, provided that the party making such application shall previously deposit, as the said commissioners shall direct, a sum adequate to defray the expense attendant upon such survey and report, and the making such maps, plans, specifications, or estimates, and all attendant expenses.