Shannon Navigation Act, 1839

Bills to be current at the Exchequer after the Times when they become due.

VII. And be it enacted, That all and every the Exchequer Bills to be issued forth by virtue of this Act, or so many of them as shall from Time to Time remain undischarged and uncancelled after the respective Days on which they shall become due and payable, shall and may from and after that Time pass and be current to all and every the Receivers and Collectors in Great Britain and Ireland of the Customs, Excise, or any Revenue, Supply, Aid, or Tax whatsoever already granted, due, or payable, or which shall or may hereafter be granted, due, or payable, to Her. Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, and also at the Banks of England and Ireland to the Account of Her Majesty’s Exchequer, from the said Receivers or Collectors, or from any other Person or Persons, Bodies Politic or Corporate whatsoever, making any Payment there to Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, for or upon any Account, Cause, or Occasion whatsoever, according to the Purport and true Meaning of this Act.