Lord lieutenant may direct that an annual or half-yearly sum shall be paid for the use of such court house by the county, &c. for which it shall be used.
2. It shall be lawful for the lord lieutenant, in and by any order made under the power herein-before given, or by any supplementary order, to direct that such annual or half-yearly sum as to him shall seem fit shall be paid, in consideration of the use of any such court house as aforesaid, by the county, riding, or division, county of a city, county of a town, or town and liberties, for which the use thereof shall be permitted under this Act; and the grand jury of such county shall and they are hereby required to present the same, to be levied off such county, and to be paid to or to the credit of the treasurer of the county in which such court house shall be situate, in aid of the presentments made or to be made by the grand jury of that county for the support of such court house, and the payment of the persons employed to take charge thereof; and every such presentment shall be made without any previous application to presentment sessions in the county in which the court house shall not be situate.