Disputes between watermen and others to be settled by divisional justices.
65. All differences, complaints, and disputes which shall happen between any bargemen, lightermen, watermen, ballastmen, coal whippers, coal porters, sailors, lumpers, riggers, ship wrights, caulkers, or other labourers who work for hire in or upon the river Liffey or harbour of Kingstown, or the docks, creeks, wharfs, quays, or places adjacent, and the owners, masters, or commanders of vessels, or their agents, on the said river or harbour, or the docks or creeks thereunto adjoining, or the owners, wharfingers, or occupiers of such wharfs or quays, or their agents or other employers, respecting wages or money due to such labourers for work or loss of time, whether the same persons be employed for any certain time or in any other manner, may be heard and determined by any of the said divisional justices; and every such justice is hereby empowered to examine upon oath any such labourer as aforesaid, or any other witness or witnesses, touching any such complaint or dispute, and to make such order for payment of so much wages or money to such labourer as to the justice shall seem just, provided that the sum ordered do not exceed five pounds, besides all reasonable costs attending the prosecution of the complaint.