Copyhold Act 1843

Power to the Person obtaining the Commutation or Enfranchisement of Lands to convey Lands in consideration of such Commutation or Enfranchisement.

III. And be it enacted, That if the Consideration for the Commutation of Enfranchisement under the said Act shall be either wholly or in part the Conveyance of Lands, or a Right to Mines or Minerals, or a Right to Waste in Lands belonging to such Manor as aforesaid, then it shall be lawful for the Person empowered by the said Act to obtain such Commutation or Enfranchisement to convey the Lands, or Rights to Mines or Minerals, or Rights to Waste in Lands belonging to such Manor, fixed on as the Consideration, either wholly or in part, for such Commutation or Enfranchisement, to the Person commuting or enfranchising the Lands proposed to be commuted or enfranchised, and his Heirs, to the Uses and upon and for the Trusts, Intents, and Purposes to upon, and for which the Manor of which such Lands are Parcel shall be subject and held at the Time of such Commutation or Enfranchisement.