Parties under disability enabled to sell and convey.
7. It shall be lawful for all parties, being seised, possessed of, or entitled to any such lands, or any estate or interest therein, to sell and convey or release the same to the promoters of the undertaking, and to enter into all necessary agreements for that purpose; and particularly it shall be lawful for all or any of the following parties so seised, possessed, or entitled as aforesaid so to sell, convey, or release; (that is to say,) all corporations, tenants in tail or for life, married women seised in their own right or entitled to dower, guardians, committees of lunatics and idiots, trustees or feoffees in trust for charitable or other purposes, executors and administrators, and all parties for the time being entitled to the receipt of the rents and profits of any such lands in possession or subject to any estate in dower, or to any lease for life, or for lives and years, or for years, or any less interest; and the power so to sell and convey or release as aforesaid may lawfully be exercised by all such parties, other than married women entitled to dower, or lessees for life, or for lives and years, or for years, or for any less interest, not only on behalf of themselves and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, and successors, but also for and on behalf of every person entitled in reversion, remainder, or expectancy after them, or in defeasance of the estates of such parties, and as to such married women, whether they be of full age or not, as if they were sole and of full age, and as to such guardians, on behalf of their wards, and as to such committees, on behalf of the lunatics and idiots of whom they are the committees respectively, and that to the same extent as such wives, wards, lunatics and idiots respectively could have exercised the same power under the authority of this or the special Act if they had respectively been under no disability, and as to such trustees, executors, and administrators, on behalf of their cestuique trusts, whether infants, issue unborn, lunatics, femes covert, or other persons, and that to the same extent as such cestuique trusts respectively could have exercised the same powers under the authority of this and the special Act if they had respectively been under no disability.