Deficiency of special jurymen.
55. The special jury on such inquiry shall consist of twelve of the said twenty who shall first appear on the names being called over, the parties having their lawful challenges against any of the said jurymen; and if a full jury do not appear, or if after such challenges a full jury do not remain, then, upon the application of either party, the sheriff shall add to the list of such jury the names of any other disinterested persons qualified to act as special or common jurymen, who shall not have been previously struck off the aforesaid list, and who may then be attending the court, or can speedily be procured, so as to complete such jury, all parties having their lawful challenges against such persons; and the sheriff shall proceed to the trial and adjudication of the matters in question by such jury; and such trial shall be attended in all respects with the like incidents and consequences, and the like penalties shall be applicable, as herein-before provided in the case of a trial by common jury.