Justices to have power to order repair of bridges, &c.
65. Where, under the provisions of this or the special Act, or any Act incorporated therewith, the company are required to maintain or keep in repair any bridge, fence, approach, gate, or other work executed by them, it shall be lawful for two justices, on the application of the surveyor of roads or of any two householders of the parish or district where such work may be situate, complaining that any such work is out of repair, after not less than ten days notice to the company, to order the company to put such work into complete repair, within a period to be limited for that purpose by such justices; and if the company fail to comply with such order they shall forfeit five pounds for every day that they fail so to do; and it shall be lawful for the justices by whom any such penalty is imposed to order the whole or any part thereof to be applied, in such manner and by such persons as they think fit, in putting such work into repair.