In case banks become united, commissioners to certify the amount of bank notes which each bank was authorized to issue; and united bank may issue the aggregate amount.
11. In case it shall be made to appear to the commissioners of stamps and taxes, at any time hereafter, that any two or more banks have, by written contract or agreement, (which contract or agreement shall be produced to the said commissioners,) become united, it shall be lawful to the said commissioners, upon the application of such united bank, to certify, in manner herein-before mentioned, the aggregate of the amount of bank notes which such separate banks were previously authorized to issue under the separate certificates previously delivered to them, and so from time to time; and every such certificate shall be published in manner herein-before directed; and from and after such publication the amount therein stated shall be and be deemed to be the limit of the amount of bank notes which such united bank may have in circulation, exclusive of an amount equal to the monthly average amount of the gold and silver coin held by such banker, as herein provided.