Subsequent repairs of such public works to be provided for in same manner as repair of works for construction whereof grants have been made er 1 & 2 Will. 4. c. 33. &c.
5. Whenever any such public work shall nave been constructed, altered, extended, or improved under the provisions of the said recited Acts or this Act, it shall and may be lawful for the said commissioners of public works from time to time to take such proceedings and exercise such powers and authorities for or relating to the subsequent repairs and maintenance of any such public work aforesaid, and such subsequent repairs and works of maintenance shall and may be executed, and the expence thereof shall and may be provided for, raised, and repaid, in such manner and subject to such provisions and regulations as by the Public Works (Ireland) Act, 1831, or any Act or Acts amending the same, are directed and provided in relation to the repair or maintenance of any road or bridge in aid of the construction whereof grants may be made or have been made by the said commissioners of public works.