In case of misapplication of or neglect to apply any such loan to the purpose agreed upon, the commissioners may recover the advances made, or may complete the works.
Money advanced for completion to be a charge on the lands.
11. If default shall be made in the due application of any instalment of any loan or advance made for the purpose of any such drainage, embankment, reclamation, or other improvement, or incase the party or person to whom any such loan or advance may have been so agreed to be made, or if the person or persons entitled for the time being to the rents and profits of the lands which may be the subject of such drainage, embankment, reclamation, or other improvement, shall omit or neglect to proceed with the completion of such drainage, embankment, reclamation, or other improvement, it shall and may be lawful for the said commissioners to proceed for the recovery of any such instalment, loan, or advance, or any part thereof, with the interest due thereon, and to stop all further advances or loan in respect of such work, or it shall and may be lawful for the said commissioners, or any person authorized by them for that purpose, if they shall so think tit, to enter upon such lands, and proceed to complete the drainage, embankment, reclamation, or other improvement of such lands, according to the original plan and specification which may have been agreed upon for the same, and out of the residue of the monies so agreed to be advanced by and then remaining in the hands of the said commissioners to complete and finish such drainage, embankment, reclamation, or other improvement; and all monies so advanced and paid as last aforesaid by the said commissioners shall be deemed and taken as part of the money agreed to be advanced by the said commissioners, and secured and charged on such lands as aforesaid, and shall be repaid to the said commissioners out of such lands, and out of the monies to be raised: from such lands by means of such charge, grant, lease, mortgage or demise, or other assurance as aforesaid.