Gasworks Clauses Act, 1847

If rent is not paid, gas may be cut off, and rent and expences recovered.

16. If any person supplied with gas by virtue of this or the special Act neglect to pay the rent due for the same to the undertakers, the undertakers may stop the gas from entering the premises of such person, by cutting off the service pipe, or by such means as the undertakers shall think fit, [1 and recover the rent due from such person, if less than twenty pounds, together with the expence of cutting off the gas, and the costs of recovering the rent, in the same manner as any damages for the recovery of which no special provision is made are recoverable under this or the special Act; or, if the rent so due amount to twenty pounds or upwards, the undertakers may recover the same, together with the expences of cutting off the gas, by action in any court of competent jurisdiction.]