Penalty for fraudulently using the gas of the undertakers.
18. Every person who shall lay or cause to be laid any pipe to communicate with any pipe belonging to the undertakers without their consent, or shall fraudulently injure any such meter as aforesaid, or who, in case the gas supplied by the undertakers is not ascertained by meter, shall use any burner other than such as has been provided or approved of by the undertakers, or of larger dimensions than he has contracted to pay for, or shell keep the lights burning for a longer time than he has contracted to pay for, or who shall otherwise improperly use or burn such gas, or shall supply any other person with any part of the gas supplied to him by the undertakers, shall forfeit to the undertakers the sum of five pounds for every such offence, and also the sum of forty shillings for every day such pipe shall so remain, or such works or burner shall be so used, or such excess be so committed or continued, or such supply furnished; and the undertakers may take off the gas from the house and premises of the person so offending, notwithstanding any contract which may have been previously entered into.