Tenants for Life bound to pay Charges, &c. ordered by the Court, and maintain Works in good Condition.
VI. And be it enacted, That Tenants for Life and others having only a limited Interest in the Land charged shall be bound to pay such Charges, Interest, or Instalments as may be directed by any such Order or Provision as last aforesaid, which shall from Time to Time become due and payable by them during the Continuance of their respective Estates or Interests, and shall be bound to uphold and maintain in good Order and Condition the Works on account of which the Lands shall have been so charged as aforesaid, as if such Persons respectively were Tenants for Life, subject to Impeachment for Waste; and in case such Tenants for Life and others shall not pay such Charges, Interest, and Instalments as may be directed by any such Order or Provision, at the Time when the same shall so become due and payable, such Trustees, Guardians, or Committees or others shall apply to the said Court of Chancery by Petition for the Appointment of a Receiver, to collect the Rents of such Lands until such Charges, Interests, and Instalments shall have been duly paid, and that upon such Petition it shall be lawful for the said Court to appoint such Receiver, and to make such further Order or Provision in the Premises as to the said Court may seem fit.