Description of property in informations.
4. In any information or complaint, or the proceedings thereon, in which it shall be necessary to state the ownership of any property belonging to or in the possession of partners, joint tenants, parceners, or tenants in common, it shall be sufficient to name one of such persons, and to state the property to belong to the person so named and another or others, as the case may be; and whenever in any information or complaint, or the proceedings thereon, it shall be necessary to mention, for any purpose whatsoever, any partners, joint tenants, parceners, or tenants in common, it shall be sufficient to describe them in manner aforesaid; and whenever in any such information or complaint, or the proceedings thereon, it shall be necessary to describe the ownership of any work or building made, maintained, or repaired at the expence of any county, riding, division, liberty, city, borough, or place, or of any materials for the making, altering, or repairing of the same, they may be therein described as the property of the inhabitants of such county, riding, division, liberty, city, borough, or place respectively; and all goods provided by parish officers for the use of the poor may in any such information or complaint, or the proceedings thereon, be described as the goods of the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish, or of the overseers of the poor of the township or hamlet, or of the guardians of the poor of the union, to which the same belong, without naming any of them; and all materials and tools provided for the repair of highways at the expense of parishes or other districts in which such highways may be situate may be therein described as the property of the surveyor or surveyors of such highways respectively, without naming him or them; and all property of the commissioners of sewers of any district may be described as the property of such commissioners, without naming them.