Warrant to apprehend for Offences committed on the High Seas or abroad.
II. And be it enacted, That in all Cases of indictable Crimes or Offences of any Kind or Nature whatsoever committed on the High Seas, or in any Creek, Harbour, Haven, or other Place in which the Admiralty of England or Ireland have or claim to have Jurisdiction, and in all Cases of Crimes or Offences committed on Land beyond the Seas, for which an Indictment may legally be preferred in any Place within Ireland, it shall be lawful for any One or more of Her Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for any County, Division, Liberty, City, Borough, or Place within Ireland in which any Person charged with having committed or with being suspected to have committed any such Crime or Offence shall reside or be, or shall be supposed or suspected to reside or be, to issue his or their Warrant (E.) to apprehend the Person so charged, and to cause him to be brought before him or them, or some other Justice or Justices of the Peace for the same County, Division, Liberty, City, Borough, or Place, to answer to the said Charges, and to be further dealt with according to Law.