The Sums to be advanced for Great Britain to be applied to Loans under 9 & 10 Vict. c. 101. and the Acts amending the same.
II. And be it enacted, That the Money to be advanced under this Act for the Purposes of Loans for the Improvement of Landed Property in Great Britain shall be applied for the Purposes and under the Provisions of the said firstly-recited Act, as amended by the said secondly and thirdly recited Acts and this Act, save so far as the same relate to Lands in Ireland, and all the Powers, Authorities, Provisions, Matters, and Things contained in the said firstly, secondly, and thirdly recited Acts, and applicable to Loans out of the Money authorized to be advanced for Great Britain under the said firstly-recited Act, shall extend to the Loans to be made out of the Money authorized to be advanced under this Act for the Purposes of Loans for the Improvement of Landed Property in Great Britain.