Landlord and Tenant Act, 1851

If a tenant quits leaving any tithe rent-charge unpaid, the landlord, &c. may pay the same, and recover from the outgoing tenant as if it were a simple contract debt.

4. If any occupying tenant of land shall quit, leaving unpaid any tithe rentcharge for or charged upon such land, which he was by the terms of his tenancy or holding legally or equitably liable to pay, and the tithe owner shall give or have given notice of proceeding by distress upon the land for recovery thereof, it shall be lawful for the landlord, or the succeeding tenant or occupier, to pay such tithe rentcharge, and any expences incident thereto, and to recover the amount or sum of money which he may so pay over against such first-named tenant or occupier, or his legal representatives, in the same manner as if the same were a debt by simple contract due from such first-named tenant or occupier to the landlord or tenant making such payment.