Custody of books, &c. on death, suspension, or dismissal of clerk.
6. Whenever a vacancy shall occur by reason of the death, resignation, suspension, or dismissal of any clerk of petty sessions, the sub-inspector of constabulary, or the head constable of the district, or such other person as the justices shall authorize, shall take charge of all books, papers, and other effects belonging to the said petty sessions, and shall retain them in his care and custody until a successor shall be appointed to such clerk; and it shall be lawful for any justice, upon being satisfied upon oath that any such books, papers, or other effects as aforesaid are or are suspected to be in the possession of any person who shall refuse to deliver up the same to such sub-inspector, head constable, or other person so authorized, to issue a warrant to any sub-inspector, head or other constable, to search the house of such person for the same, and to seize and detain the same, if discovered therein; and such sub-inspector, head or other constable, so authorized by any such warrant, may, upon the refusal of such person to open his door for that purpose, break it open.