Forms in the schedule to be deemed valid.
36. In all proceedings under this Act the several forms in the schedule to this Act contained, or forms to the like effect, shall be deemed good, valid, and sufficient in law, and shall be the proper forms to be used, even in cases in which other and different special forms shall be or shall have been provided by the particular Act or Acts under which the information or complaint shall be made; but no departure from any of the said first-mentioned forms, or omission of any of the particulars required thereby, or use of any other words than those indicated in such forms, shall vitiate or make void the proceeding or matter to which the same shall relate, if the form used be otherwise sufficient in substance and effect, and the words used clearly express the intention of the person who shall use the same; and it shall be sufficient in any of the forms provided by this Act to state sums of money either in words or figures, according as the person using the same shall see fit: Provided always, that the sealing of any warrant or other form of procedure under this Act shall not be necessary in addition to the signature of the justice by whom the same shall be signed.